Hey everyone!
Yes, I'm still alive. No, Slender Man hasn't gotten to me yet. I've just been busy with school and other things that you probably don't care about.
As I said in my previous post, I doubt Slender Man is interested in me, which is why I haven't been targeted yet. Perhaps he doesn't even know I exist, and I can subtly take him out from the shadows...
But I highly doubt that.
Slender Man has been described by multiple people as a seemingly omnipresent being (besides the whole heights thing), so I have no doubt in my mind that he's well aware of my existence, and he's just biding his time, waiting for me to make the wrong move; which is another reason why I haven't posted in so long.
I like to keep myself hidden from view, like a thief working in the shadows. So instead I chose to come at this issue from a less... obvious approach. Because let's face it; I'm certain all of the proxies and what not have basically turned these blogs into their own person To Do list. Following our movements and using it to pluck each and every one of us off one by one. Honestly, the only reason I'm on here is to to deliver my message of hope to everyone, and try to keep our numbers high enough to eventually overwhelm Him.
So, behind the scenes, I've been doing a couple of things to find out more about Slender Man and the proxies. Looking for any reference to Him in history books, going other other blogs, trying to find and patterns in His movements and whatnot. And I've also been able to identify a couple of Runners in my area and hold interviews with them. I'm a generally friendly person, so I always find myself conversing with a lot of the homeless around here anyways.
During one little talk I had with one of them (we'll just call him John Doe for now), I mentioned my fascination with a slender, timeless being who enjoys spending His free time tracking people down and killing them. John seemed rather put off by this at first, but as the conversation dragged on, I came to realize that him and Slendy were more than just familiar with each other.
John: So, refresh my memory, what did you say this guy does?
Me: He tracks people down and kills them. Plain and simple
John: Is that really all?
Me: Well, he has followers...
John: Followers...?
Me: Yes, some people call the The Hallowed. I prefer the term Proxy myself. They like to do His bidding. You can usually spot them by their...
John: White masks and soulless eyes?
Me: Erm... yes. Have you heard of them?
John: ... What did you say this guys name was again?
Me: Er... well, He doesn't really have a name, but people usually call him Slender Man.
At this point, John kind of stared at me and looked down at his feet. He would look up at me a couple of times, as if he really wanted to say something, but couldn't find the words to say them. So I did for him.
Me: Are you a Runner, John?
John: A what now?
Me: A Runner. It's a term for someone being chased by... Him.
John paused for a moment. I was afraid he had begun to cry, but then he looked up to the sky, as if asking for strength and finally said;
John: ... He killed my best friend. He nearly killed my sister. I knew that the longer I stayed, the more
likely He was to go after more. I had to leave. I had to run.
Me: Has He found you yet?
John: I doubt there's been a time when He hasn't known where I was. Every time I try and start fresh, there He is again. It's as if He's...
Me: Waiting until you've completely broken down?
John: ... Yeah.
Me: Don't let Him John. Show Him that you are strong, and are not to be messed with. Slendy feeds off despair and pain. He plays with His food, weakens it until there is no shell of hope left to protect them. Don't let Him break you down John. You have so many reasons to live. Don't forget that.
John gave me a weak smile and muttered something I couldn't quite hear, but I think it was "I know."
Something about that conversation really sparked something in me. I don't know what it was, but I feel like a whole new person now. It showed me that I have the power to bring hope to others when they feel that there is none left. Hell, anyone can!
Unfortunately, human beings are notoriously weak when it comes to this sort of stuff. Anything could come along and take our hope from us. It only takes one small switch and then we feel as if we mean nothing to the world. Which is why we need each other more than anything.
You are special. Your life is worth living. You can defeat Him.