Thursday, 8 December 2011

An Analysis

Runners, proxies, Slendy... what do they all have in common?

Why are Runners the ones being targeted? 

What is so significant about the Runners that Slendy wants them dead or hallowed out so badly? 

And if he does hallow them out, why? Why does he choose those specific people to do his bidding?

It is said that He targets those who know too much about him; Emphasizes that knowledge is our greatest enemy 

But what about all the people who have the knowledge, but haven't been targeted? 

Does He have certain requirements one must meet in order to be targeted... or ignored?

Is it true that He is only coming after the children that got away from Him years before? 

If that's the case, how did a being so powerful let so many children slip from His grasp so easily?

Maybe He just works at random, doesn't care who He kills, who He torments, who He drives to the brink of insanity... or suicide. All he cares about is how many people are opening that door to Him. The Door of Knowledge; Our greatest enemy, our strongest ally.

To some, anyways.

Not to me, and not to the other ones who haven't been labeled with the crosshairs (yet), I'm just trying to help the people who are being targeted by Him. I feel like there aren't enough untargeted who are helping the targeted, the Runners. I don't understand why though. So many people have that advantage over Him! We opened the Door of Knowledge and are walking down the passage way unscathed! We are immune to the horrors that we are watching so many others succumb to and are doing nothing! 


Well, for starters, I guess it's because we're scared. Scared that the veil of immunity will be lifted from us if we try to intervene. What if we end up like (with respects) Zero? 

Was Zero already marked to begin with?

I say, why not take the chance? We can only lose everything, and then we will have nothing to lose. If these Runners need a bigger army, I say we give them a bigger army! We have the Knowledge! And in numbers, we have the power! There's no way He can take on a whole army of us! THIS is why there is only a select few people who are being targeted, it makes it easier for Him to take them out, one by one.

That's my thought on the matter, anyways, but maybe I'm wrong. Maybe there's some information I've missed, I don't know. 

Oh, my name is Julia Ulmer, by the way. I'm nearly 16 years old. My hair is red. I like video games, heavy metal, art, blah blah blah. Not that I'm sure personal information is necessary (and not that anyone cares), this might be the only blog I post on this matter. I just want to try to figure out some questions that have been running through my mind ever since I found out about Slender Man that haven't really been answered.

Anyways, if anyone's reading this, feel free to leave your responses in the comments below (where else?), until then, I'll be floating from blog to blog, trying to bring back the hope that was lost.

-Julia Rose Ulmer


  1. Kid, I'd be more than willing to share info if you were being stalked by him. But you're not so I'm telling you this now:

    Get out while you can.
    Just turn around and go on with the rest of your life because once you go down this hole, I doubt you'll be able to get out. Not without paying a great price in the process.

    I know it's a tad dramatic and quite blunt, but it's the truth.

    1. If you're trying to save my life, don't. I know very well what I'm getting myself into, but I believe that putting my life in jeopardy is worth the risk if it means saving mankind. So don't bother withholding any information from me, because I will get my hands on it one way or another.

      I'm not saying that I'm not scared or anything, I understand the threat and I simply want to use my current position as an advantage.
