Sunday, 5 August 2012

On the Move!

     Sorry folks, I know that I promised that I would post yesterday, but a couple of rather misfortunate events happened before I could.

     First off, not five minutes after I made my last post, the motel I was in was fucking swarmed with proxies. Or at least, I think it was. I just heard gunshots and a shit load of screaming throughout the building, so I just hightailed it out of there as soon as I could. I don't really know what happened, and I don't want to. I'm just glad I got a room with a window facing away from the street. I climbed out and took off down a (surprisingly long) dirt path.

     Well, as you can imagine, after that I was in no mood to actually see where my feet were taking me. I was just running as fast as I could, with a half-open backpack hanging from my shoulder. I didn't even realize where I had ended up until I got to the edge of a huge forest. I stopped and looked around for any alternative pathways out of my predicament, but I didn't have much time when I started to hear sounds of foot steps and shouting coming towards me. I decided it was time to have a little dance with fate, and booked it through the trees.

     Eventually, the sounds of running and shouting died down and I was pretty sure that I had given my pursuers the slip. Though, now there was another problem, and that of course was the fact that I WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF A FUCKING FOREST. Not only that, but whilst in my state of panic, I decided that it was a good idea to get off the path and go bush-whacking instead. Luckily, I had stolen a pretty little blade from a friend of mine just for this type of situation. Unfortunately, I have about as much a sense of direction as one of those wind-up toy cars, so I was completely fucking lost. And a compass was, sadly, not on my list of things to bring when being hunted by psychopaths. Another problem was the fact that the sun was starting to go down, and it was about to get dark, really fast. And the denseness of the trees made the situation all the more worse.

     I could feel the panic starting to set in, and blundering my way through a dark forest was starting to sound more and more appealing as the minutes ticked by. I had to stop. I had to think. Think... think of it as a puzzle... Which problem to sort out first? I had no way of knowing which direction I was going, seemed like a good place to start.

     Figuring out puzzles has always been so calming to me. I'm really not sure why, but whenever I'm in a tough spot, I just think of it as a puzzle, organize all of the individual pieces, and put them into context by sorting them out in order.

     First puzzle problem; how do I figure out where I'm going? I wracked my brain for anything I knew about surviving in the wilderness.

     Well, start with the most basic. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west... The sun is currently setting... so most of the light is coming from behind me... And I clearly remember the sun was to my right when I got to the forest... So I came in from the north... I made a left turn when I got off the path...

     I jumped up from where I was sitting, turned around, and followed the sun back to the path. On my way, I noticed what an ample amount of destruction I had reigned as I had charged my way through there. Branches had been torn down, dirt kicked up, there was a really nice little pit in the ground where I had fallen during my mad scramble. Not to mention how freaking loud I must've been. Geez, I'm really lucky I got some distance from my pursuers before I tried that stunt. A whole small tree had been taken down whatisthisIdon'teven...

     Yes, well, I found the path again and I breathed a big sigh of relief. But I wasn't out in the clear yet, I mean, I couldn't go back the way I came. That was way too risky. I had to continue following the path southward until I found another exit. Luckily, despite my terrible sense of direction, I've spent a lot of time in forests in the duration of my short life, so I guess I had a bit of an advantage there.

     The path ended up twisting and turning a lot, so I got out on the east side as opposed to the south. Which is fine, plus the exit only took about twenty minutes to find, so I had managed to get out a little after dark.

     So, all in all, that probably could've gone a LOT worse. I feel VERY lucky to still have my skin and the rest of my organs in tact. Those were probably the most horrifying twenty minutes of my life. I mean, not knowing whether or not you're gonna survive... Knowing you could die at any minute... It's truly horrifying... And also very exciting at the same time. 

     Oh yes, and I didn't post yesterday because I was way too jumpy after that whole experience to stay at one place long enough to actually get something written. Don't worry though, things have calmed down quite a bit now, so I have time to figure out a strategy for myself that isn't just blindly running in all directions like a headless chicken.

     Until I come up with anything brilliant, I guess I'm done writing for today. Chow.


  1. Well I guess you got started on some adventuring haha but might i recommend avoiding the most dangerous place for any of to be (especially when the sun is going down), but other than that it sounds like you had fun.

    1. Hell yeah! I love a good chase scene! Though, to be honest, I can't really say for sure they were coming after ME specifically. I was in one of THOSE towns, you see. >.> Ah well, I needed the exercise.

    2. I'd rather have a fight scene but chases are always good haha and one of those eh? Reminds me of home ;) and exersise is always good
