Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Why I Hate Corn

     Umm... So... Has it been, like, insanely dark outside all day for anyone else?
     Seriously, why haven't I seen the sun for the past, like 10 hours? I mean, last I checked it was morning. I'm checking again and... It's still morning...? Has it really been only and hour since my last post? What time is it?

     Wait... why are the hands on my watch moving back and forth like a goddamn metronome? WHERE THE HELL AM I??


     Oh yeah, so you guys are probably wondering what the hell happened to me in my last post. Well, since I doubt I'll be getting out of here any time soon, I guess I have a chance to explain in a bit more detail.

     So, a couple nights ago (at least... I think it was only a couple) I was setting up camp on some random rooftop, as you do, preparing to get some regular ol' shuteye. I fall asleep, have a terribly realistic nightmare (which I will not go into detail with), and wake up on an old rotting and dusty floor in some abandoned old house in the middle of no where. I have no idea where I am, and the sun is out. East. Morning. So, I do what any regular blogger does: Pull out my laptop, quickly jot down my surroundings and post it up for future reference. Though, I guess it isn't really much use to me, seeing as it barely says anything, besides the whole cornfield thing. Hell, I could tell you the same thing right now, considering I'm freaking trapped inside of it with no hope for escape thus far.


     Anyways, as I was writing my observations, I looked out the window and noticed that someone was staring back at me. I quickly finished up my post and got up for a closer inspection. By the time I had everything packed up and put away, the person had walked right up to the window. The first thing I noticed about this person was their eyes. I don't know why, but whenever I think back to those moments, when our eyes met, I feel an overwhelming sense of dread. Their eyes were so full of fear and hatred and I just... I felt the same way I felt when I...




     Never mind.

     I was just... just scared, and I felt like... like I had to get out of there. So I grabbed my stuff, bolted out the door and went crashing through the cornfield. Several seconds after the fact, I came to the stunning realization that perhaps blindly running through the creepy cornfield might actually be a very bad idea. Luckily, I had only run a couple meters in so it would be very easy to just turn around and...

     Where the hell did the house go?

     Yeah, that didn't go as planned. I don't know how or why, but when I turned around to walk back, it was like I had run miles into the damn thing! The house was no where in sight, and there was no visible exit anywhere near by and... was it just me? No. I was certain the sun was not that low in the sky several seconds before! It was just morning! Now it's evening? TIME DOES NOT WORK LIKE THAT


     So, here I am now, several hours(?) later; trapped in a never ending cornfield with nothing but the corn to keep me company. Oh, and did I mention it's dark? Because it's fucking dark. 




     Ugh, I honestly thought that writing down everything that has gone on here would help me calm down a bit, but the more I think about it, the less sense it makes. This is definitely not good for my anxiety levels.

   Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that ever since I got here, I've heard nothing but screaming? Yeah. Nothing but endless lamentations for the past godknowshowmany hours. Many different voices too; I guess it adds variety. They also all sound really familiar; but I can't quite place where I've heard them before. Same thing goes with that person I saw before. He was so familiar. In fact, something about this whole place is really familiar, but I can't put my finger on where I've seen all of this, and quite frankly,

I really don't want to.


  1. Ok where did you find this house? I'm gonna try finding you and I pity anyone that tries to get in my way. Please try to remember some details.

    1. I really don't know. I just kinda woke up here... Big country land... A lot of corn... No sun... Screaming... Lots of screaming.

    2. Ok but where's the last place you remember being? I might not be the best fighter around but I promise that I won't let anything stop me from finding you.

    3. Umm... Toronto... I think. Yeah, I was near the ROM

    4. Ok hold tight I will find a way to rescue you, no matter what it takes I will find you.
