Thursday, 9 August 2012

████████████this place is actually ve████████████ting. I feel... almost at home. It's just l████████████████████████████████████saved my li████████████████████████████████████

Yes... I thi████████████used to this place. I kinda enjoy the screaming. It reminds me of s sim████████████ime. Back when I mur████████████le with my favourite si████████████elt like I could take on the world. Make them scre████████████ay. I can finally kill again.

Don't you remember Julia? Remember ████████████d times? Remember when YOU KILLED ME Y████████████ING WHORE! I'LL KILL YOU ████████████OU I'LL KILL YOU! SLOWLY AND PAIN████████████ke how you killed me. I hope you████████████████████████ents my beloved sister. I will ████████████d I will kill you!


  1. Alright Migz, if we're gonna do this I need you to get back to me ASAP. I can lock on to her location using the Catacombs, but I'm only going if you're coming with me.

  2. ████████████e? I'd like to se████████████n!
